The purpose of the program is to help redevelop abandoned, idle, or underutilized properties where expansion or redevelopment is hindered by actual or perceived environmental conditions. Examples include abandoned gas stations, industrial, and commercial properties. Grant funds can be used to pay for environmental assessments and cleanup planning to help move commercial properties towards redevelopment.

Monroe is an economic, educational, and medical hub for Northeast Louisiana, you will find it to be a very diverse area that anyone can get accustomed to.
Located on the banks of the Ouachita River, the downtown core has thrived over the years as a result of a group of dedicated merchants, property owners, and community volunteers committed to preserving the historic character of West Monroe.

Ouachita Parish Police jury takes care of roads, drainage, fire departments, parish libraries, health units, jails and correctional facilities.

With the help of the Brownfield Advisory Committee (BAC), the Coalition members identify candidate properties for assessment and cleanup planning assistance. Information is available for prospective purchasers.

While the Ouachita Coalition Brownfield Program primarily focuses on assessment and cleanup planning, there are also federal, state, and local resources and incentives to assist developers and prospective purchasers in cleaning up sites for re-use.